Recently in postcrossing, I was about to send a card and demanded a new address. The random address selector spit out RyttylÀ, which is in Finland, approximately here:Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-17 um 14.01

When I read the profile of the person who would receive my card, I learned that she collected rubber ducks. FINALLY…! A person who liked rubber ducks!

Why “finally”? Here is the story.

Close to where I live is a little hardware store, one of the rare leftovers of little shops and family businesses in town. Normally, for a nail or wall plug or pot of paint, you have to leave town and go to the outskirts of the city, in the middle of nowhere, to areas you don’t want to visit, normally. But this little hardware store, which is jam-packed with shelves and stuff, stoically stays where it has always been – and, believe me, whenever I go there, I get what I need.

This store, besides having any DIY-tools in stock which you can think of, has a big shelf with rubber ducks. Hundreds of them, in different shapes and styles. I always check for new arrivals, but I never bought one, because I try hard to keep my home clutter-free and therefore must resist. But now, I got this address in Finland, and a postcard receiver collecting rubber ducks. FINALLY! And off I went… and then the problems begun. Which one to choose? The pilot duck? Or the dentist duck? Or maybe the bride duck? Choosing was soooo hard…!

In the end, I had two finalists and could not decide for one of them. I bought them both and send them up north, where they hopefully find a nice and cosy place among others of their kind. Here they are, the punk duck and the devil duck:


Aren’t they cute?

(Sidenote: Unfortunately, the package was not delivered to date – it is travelling since 6th of January 🙁 C’mon Hermes, get going!)