imageFinally! I! Did! It! OMG, this project took six months from perception to birth. But now it’s done. I like it. What do you think?

What I like most is the shadow the letters are casting onto the wall. With two lights directed to the direction of the letters, I have the sentence three times. I like.


In brief, I had planned to use ready-made wooden letters which you can buy in craft shops and paint them. But I found them either too massive and big or too small and thin. I wanted something in between.

Hence I decided to make the letters myself. I used FIMO, a kind of play doo which you can bake in the oven at 130 degrees and which will harden in the heat. I used five colors, yellow, gold, glittering red, orange and gleaming transparent orange.

I drew the letters on paper and cut them as blueprints. Then I mixed the FIMO into different shapes and effects, layering, rolling, cutting, etc. Then I flattened it with an acrylic cyliner-shaped tool, and finally cut the letters using the blueprint. Don’t forget to “drill” a little hole with a toothpick, then bake.

After cooling, a friend helped to fix a nylon thread to each of the letters. She played  the ukulele while I fixed the threads. A bamboo stick, originally intended to help plants grow straight, is used to put all letters up. It hangs by some more nylon threads (lot’s of nylon here), held by two hooks screwed into the ceiling.

With a little draft, the letters dance.

As it says, “Dans ma cuisine, on danse”.

What do you think?
