Don’t tell me again that you need to chew food a trillion times in order to prepare for a smooth digestion. This is all wrong.
The biggest creatures on earth (here: sperm whales) would not do it either. Don’t tell me they are not fit – they will dive for 60 minutes and down to something like 1000 meters odd. So their capacity to well utilize the oxygen they breath in must be enormous (any long distance runner would be envious). And now the funny fact: Although those guys have teeth indeed, they swallow their food as a whole. Not surprising they do that with crayfish – but there can be one or the other dolphin or shark as a starter. Imagine, those guys swallow entire sharks. I find that odd.

The guy in the pictures is Jona, one of the permanent resident of the deep water canyon out in the pacific ocean near Kaikoura. He is one of the entire-sharkk-swallowers I was mentioning above.
