IMGP0167Those are the high heels I can accept. All other types… no way. Those are the Manolos of my choice.I spent some time in the south of Switzerland, visiting the new Monte Rosa mountain hut which appears to be some kind of Guggenheim Bilbao, just positioned at close to 3000 m altitude in the middle of nowhere. Well, “nowhere” in this case means that nowhere is any artwork to be seen, which then means, more precisely, that there is no manmade artwork to be seen. Because there is artwork all round, god made artwork, let’s say, or geology made artwork if you wish to identify the maker of this stuff. High above, the Dufourspitze, Switzerland’s highest mountain. On the horizon, the chocolate inspiring peak of Matterhorn, Switzerland’s most famous mountain.

After walking 5 hours across glaciers and 2,5 more hours down steep and slippery slopes yesterday, I have very, very heavy muscle ache. That’s the price of wearing my Manolos 2.0, right?


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