Oh, I did it – I bought myself a present which I had wanted since I was a child.

I never had a kaleidoscope – although I had always loved them so much. For some reason, it never happened that I got one or that I bought one for myself, don’t know why. Maybe I knew deep inside that the time had not yet come.

Last week, I went into a shop selling a philosophy. Their tag line reads: “They are still there, the good things.” (Es gibt sie noch, die guten Dinge.) They sell handmade or small-company made every day things (gardening equipment, cloths, toys, writing tools) which still have a soul, be it because of their materials used (real leather, wood, brass, fine paper, you know what I mean), be it because of the clever idea they entail (a spinner with a drawing tip, how cute is that :-). For many of them, just touching them is a haptic sensation.

Amongst all the fine things and gadgets, I discovered a heavy brass cylinder with a wide angle lens at one side. This was it, the kaleidoscope I seem to have waited for all those years. I immediately fell in love with it and shoved some money (much money) across the cash counter to take it home.

The speciality of this kaleidoscope is that it does not contain “stuff” in it, like pieces of colored glass or beads or glitter, to make the picture. It just reflects your surroundings, cutting it in pieces and arranging it again into the most amazing patterns.

Oh, I love to be a kid again 🙂

Look what it does to my computer screen.

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And then the Ted Talk guy babbling about finding his true dream. Ha, true dream…! This little brass and glass gadget is a true dream, that’s it.

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