
I want to share some of my D.I.Y. jewelry – due to heavy workload I cannot go to the workshop currently, unfortunately. Hence some virtual jewelry making, just to stay inspired.

Today, I present my first sustained object, a ring with a “donut”, as the workshop master called it. It is still rough, somehow, but nevertheless I like it still. And it survived till today, while my real first object was sacrificed to make the silver pendant which I talked about earlier here.


This project included some sawing of sheet metal (i.e. the donut base and the silver strip making the band), then I melted some little pieces of silver which made the little pearls. As they cooled on the worktable surface, they have a flat bottom which made it possible to solder it onto the donut’s surface without them rolling awas. I hammered my name into the inner surface of the band, then bended the sheet metal and filed it flat to sit snugly on the donut’s back side. Then I soldered the band onto the donut. some filing and polishing, and I was done.


Although I have made some more sophisticated pieces, I still like wearing my first ring. Maybe it’s worth polishing it again – as I clearly see on the photograph, it has some scratches on the surface.

It somehow reminds me of the universe with some planets and stars circling around an opening which might be seen as a symbol of an open mind, ready to take in what the stars have to offer.