Recently I remembered a conversation I had with my colleague J. We were talking about gaining weight during Christmas and how to avoid it – or better still, how to reverse the trend and actually lose some. J. used a word which made me laugh, and since then I know that I have a pair in my wardrobe: target trousers. I used to fit into them not long ago, but then, well, er, you know, I don’t know how they happened to get so small, just over night…?! Here they are, the target trousers:


I think I know who’s fault it is that they don’t fit. It must be the little animals which sneak into your wardrobe at night while you sleep, sewing the clothes tighter. They are to be blamed that my target trousers are my target trousers and not my current trousers. Those mean little creatures are called calories. They live and breed in places like this:

RBKV7297(Really, really awful, right? Who put this lump of dreck onto my plate?)

Let’s risk a prediction to December 2015:


(I wanted to lose 10 kilos this year. Now, just 13 are missing.)

Let’s see how it goes.